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ABOUT Creek Veterans

How I started


Yeah I just really wanted some merch for myself to commemorate something of the Creek Battle that's currently raging so I decided to make my own. I show some fellow Creek Veterans my hat at they wanted on as well so I figured I'd bring it to the community.



Why CreekVets?


I figured that mirroring Vietnam Veteran hat would be a good way to make a hat that almost ends up being an inside joke, the problem with regular merch is that everyone can tell that it's merch. I did my best to make these as clean and simply of a design that isn't cringe to wear out.


" Its solid quality, and the inside joke it shares with other Divers is a highlight"


"The hats a fun nod that other players will notice, and can open up some funny conversations about each others drops"


"It hides my gamer indent, fits well, and helps spread Liberty and Democracy."

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